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1.    What are the major competitors' strengths?

-Market participation

-Lower prices

-The user do not have to exercise

-Can transport more than one person

-The customer do not have to invest in more than the ticket

-Lower operating cost


2.    What are the major competitors' weaknesses?

-Its services just are effective from the station to another point and do not work at all from user homes to the station

-Scheduled times to the transportation

-The customer do not exercise





3.    What are the major competitors' objectives and strategies?


Bicitaxis: Transport few people from the station to their homes

Vans and cars: Transport lot of people from one point to the station

in some stipulated schedules



Bicitaxis: Being always available to the public who are in the station

Vans and cars: Being available just in rush hour


4.    How will the major competitors most likely respond to the current economic, social, cultural, demographic, environmental, political, legal, technological, and competitive trends affecting our industry?


Demographic: Located in crowd stations,

Legal: Most of them work illegally

Economy: Respond to the necessity of people to go to their destiny in few time, this people are able to spend a little bit more in transport.

Technological: Some of the bicitaxis use electric vehicles to reduce service costs and efforts; thereby they can transport more people.

Competitive trends: Entrants of new illegal competitors that without a legal permission transport people



5.    How vulnerable are the major competitors to our alternative strategies?


-This service become the best option to people that enjoys make some exercise and loves his privacy, also is the best option to move from the exactly point that they need at the exactly time. Finally this service gives consumers security and follows all legal policies from the government.


6.    How vulnerable are our alternative strategies to successful counterattack by our major competitors?


-The customer will spend bit more than with the competence. Another vulnerable point is that the competence can transport more than one person at the same time and people that for any affair do not exercise.


7.    How are our products or services positioned relative to major competitors?


Our services will positioned in the consumer mind as a healthy and relaxing way to transport to the station, home or work by preventing pollution.


8.    To what extend are new firms entering and old firms leaving this industry?


There are few regulations from the local mayoralty to the entrance and operation of new bicitaxis. But more important is that there are more and more illegally people transportation by vans and private cars. Due to the growing demand of people to go or come from one point to the stations there is more entrance of new competitors than the leaving.


9.    How have the sales and profit of the major competitors in the industry changed over recent years? Why have these rankings changes that way?


Profits have been growing due to the growing demand of transportation facilities. On the other hand bicitaxis have improved their services and have achieved transport more people in less time.


10.  to what extent could substitute products or services be a threat to competitors in this industry?


If the buses make routes through the trasmilenio stations, they can transport more people with lower prices, but making traffic jams and making slower the consumer transportation. On the other hand the price of the taxis to a single person is high and the availability of this transportation in some hours is limited.


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