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Process: The planning and design processes of the company model will be determined by the board of directors, those are long term strategies and objectives that determine direction of the organization. The operational processes as goals and strategies will be determined by the general manager in which will take daily decision looking for a sustainable organizational performance.


Capacity: The general manager will take those decisions based in the marketing research and in the reports provided by the employee weekly. He will forecast the demand of both parking lots service and bike rental service in order to schedule and plan the capacity supported on Information system management program in excel.


Inventory: The main inventories of the company consist on bicycles and maintenance equipment, the decision of inventories levels will be taken based in supplier management process where is studied the product quality to order when the product is damaged. The decision of how much inventory the company will have according to expansion and retrenchment strategies will be taken by the board of directors.


Workforce: The missional processes will be performed by both general manager and operator, while most of the support processes will be en charge of the general manager unless the financial (third party account officer) and legal management (third party lawyer). Finally the strategic processes will be in charge of the board of directors.


Quality: The general manager will be aware of the service quality, procuring to improve day to day supporting in areas like Research and development and Management information systems 

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