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  • 1. Average Disposable Income

According to the president of Raddar, the disposable income in Colombia is distributed in such a way that in average for each 1000 Colombian pesos 105 go to the payment of debts causing that the amount of money to spent by the Colombian families is decreasing.

This affects our industry because people will not consider spending their money in things that aren’t essentially needed.




  • 2. Energy Conservation

The energy conservation is increasing, as there is more importance in reducing the use of energy in Bogota. For our industry is a big opportunity this situation as it will help to reduce the energy consumption by some habitants of the city.




  • 3. Social Programs

- Departamento para la prosperidad social

- Bogotá Humana under the government of the mayor Gustavo Petro

- Portal Bogotá

Are some of the entities that have increased the number of social programs that work for the welfare of all the habitants in the city, most of them promotes the exercise in all types of communities giving the industry a opportunity to help to accomplish this social goals.



  • 4. Numbers of Churches -Number of Church Members

The most represented religions according to DANE in Bogota are: Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Buddhism, and Judaism.

Religions could affect our industry, as people will want the social goodness and welfare, using alternative ways of transportation, increasing the practice of sports so that young people don’t fall into bad paths.


































  • 5. Social Responsibility

In all Bogota’s companies the importance of a social responsibility is every day bigger. It is important to develop a social responsibility company in every industry to protect the community, the employees and the shareholders of the organization gaining in this way benefits for all the parts involved.


  • 6. Attitudes Toward Careers

Nowadays the careers with more demand in Colombia are Management, Laws, Industrial Engineer, Economy, Finances, Psychology, Marketing and International Businesses. According to the research they are chose because of the field of action


  • 7. Population Changes By Race, Age, Sex, and Level of Affluence

The population in Bogota is increasing and as this industry is not focused in specific groups of people the increment of people in Bogota is also an increase in the demand of our services.











 8. Attitudes Toward Authority

In Bogotá there is an evident dislike for the authority of the city, the mayor Gustavo Petro as 69% of the Bogota’s citizens disapprove his job and his government ideas.



  • 9. Population Changes by City, Country, State, Region, and Country

As we can see in the charts above the population in Bogota is increasing, causing also an increase in the demand of transportation from the habitants of the city. Our industry can be positively affected because as the population increases they will be looking for new alternatives of transportation.


























10. Childbearing Rates

The trend in the total fertility rate states that between 2010 and 2015, a woman throughout her childbearing years (15-49 years), have 1.9 children; this fee is not projected change from the period 2005-2010.

On the same hand, the general fertility rate indicates that between 2005 and 2010 per thousand women of childbearing age 58.2 births occurred; for the period 2010-2015 the number tends to decrease to 56.8 births per 1,000 women of childbearing age.

Localities higher fertility rates reached between 2005 and 2010 were Usme, Ciudad Bolivar, Sumapaz and Bosa; it is projected that between 2010 and 2015 this indicator decreases generally in all locations but these towns will continue to have the highest rates.

Bogotá tends to have indicators of fertility, reproduction and lower birth rates compared to Colombia, except for the mean age of fertility is higher for Bogota.

This is a disadvantage, because in the future the majority of the population will tend to be older and therefore they would have access to more elaborate means of transport easier. However, one can think of the opportunity to encourage the use of our service for the preservation of health and youth.



11. Number of Births

The trend of births in Bogotá has had a decreasing trend, between 2008 and 2010 decreased by 6.4 %. The localities of Kennedy, and Suba had the highest number of births in 2010, generating 14.3% and 13.3% of total births respectively. The highest birth rates between 2005 and 2010 found in the towns of Usme (21.7), Ciudad Bolívar (21.3) and Bosa (19.8) and estimates that between 2010 and 2015 remain the localities with higher birth rates.

This information is of great importance to our industry, allowing us to identify locations that would be more feasible to offer our service due to in the future will have more population and considering their socioeconomic structure are the perfect target market to offer our service.



12. Life Expectancy Rates

Life expectancy at birth of the population of Bogotá has been steadily increasing. Between the years 2005-2010 has increased by 1.6 years and is projected to increase by 2015 over 1.2 years; This indicator tends to grow more rapidly among women than among men, between 2005 and 2010 increased by 0.8 and 0.3 years, respectively.

Life expectancy at birth of the Bogotá citizens is higher than the national average. It is projected that between 2010 and 2015 the increase will be greater at national level than at district level, although this did not achieve the order of the indicator changes.

This is important because it gives us a glimpse of what people expect from their life for the future, therefore, is an opportunity to provide citizens with our service, guarantee a better quality of life through a safe, environmentally friendly and self- transport.



13. Per Capita Income

Bogotá generates about a quarter of the country's GDP; however, it is one of the cities with higher levels of inequality, where 9.2% of the population has unmet basic needs and 1.4% live in poverty. According to the National Demographic and Health Survey (ENDS), the population accounting for approximately 80% of the wealth is in the high stratum and higher.

Based on estimates of the district secretary of finance, income per capita is US$ 5,835. However, the situation posed above is of great concern that inequality affects the proper functioning of the community; we see this as an opportunity because through the provision of our service we are providing facilities for the underprivileged to boost their progress through transportation facilities.


14. Number of Deaths

According to the group of deaths of the 6/67 list, most of the deaths in Bogotá occur for diseases of the circulatory system generating nearly one third of total mortality, the second group generates more deaths in all followed by other disease neoplasms . General information Bogotá latest mortality is for the year of 2009.

Considering the leading cause of deaths are problems in the circulatory system, this is an opportunity for our company , because our service is based on a daily exercise is one of the most beneficial factors for improving circulation. Doing so helps constantly circulating through the muscle contractions that act as drivers in the veins and increase traffic flow in the arterial beds. Therefore, we could be contributing to the mitigation of a widespread problem in the community.



15. Number of Marriages and Divorces

The Superintendent of Notaries and Registration, Jorge Enrique Velez said that from January to November last year, civil marriages and divorces in Colombia rose 1.77 and 0.49 percent, respectively , when compared to the same period of 2013.

For cities, the Superintendent reported that in the notaries of Bogotá 10,300 civil marriages and 4,322 divorces were recorded.

According to the entity, proportionally, for each divorce is recorded, 2.3 civil marriages are also writing. Although Bogotá is the city in which more civil marriages are logged, this event had a negative variation leaving without registration 151, i.e., in the capital fell by 2.3 percent the number of unions held by notaries.

Given that the number of marriages is higher and is growing with respect to the number of divorces, is an opportunity for our company to focus on service to a solution for all family members, in order to leverage this insight.


PORTAFOLIO. (06 de Enero de 2015). En 2014, hubo más colombianos casados que divorciados.



16. Immigration and Emigration Rates

Bogotá has about seven million people, including the largest number of migrants and IDPs in the country (home to 270,000 IDPs). Both phenomena are different expressions of the same cause: the rural-urban migration historically linked to unequal access to land and has led to tension between owners and peasants and eventually to armed conflict and violence that continue to cause forced displacement.

The national data reveal that 98.6 % of the displaced population lives below the poverty line, being officially classified as living in extreme poverty 82.6 %, figures contrast sharply with the 29.1% and 8.7%, respectively, for non-displaced population. The income of IDPs in Bogotá is, on average, 27% lower than those of poor resident population.

This situation of people arriving in Bogota for several reasons represents a threat and a problem for the proper functioning of services, since the levels of insecurity in the city will increase due to if they not have the necessary means to survive, some of these people are obliged to make incorrect actions against the community.


Ceballos, S. A. (2011). Desplazamiento urbano y migración en Colombia.



17. Number of Special-Interest Groups

IDRD. “Pedalea por Bogota” program that aims to encourage the use of bicycles to promote the capital district new behaviors and lifestyle habits that improve the relationship between its members and everyday activities, ensuring respect and inclusion environments that improve the quality of life.

This program is a gigantic opportunity to be exploited by the industry because it has the support of the government directly and can be used for obtain guarantees on security and accessibility.



18. Social Security Programs

In order to improve the perception of safety and contribute to the elimination of crimes that affect the life of society, in particular murder and theft, police strengthened security with mobile CAIs.

The operation of these immediate care centers, is similar to that of fixed, their difference is that can be mobilized to where the crime is being presented. Equipped with cutting edge technological equipment, which identify persons requesting court records and perform monitoring with video cameras. This program provides industry with guarantees for correct operation; safety is what most worries potential consumers.



 19.  Attitudes toward investing


Attitudes toward investing are how a region or a community spends its savings.

Bogota’s mayoralty in its Growth plan “Bogota Humana” published the investment plan where is divided into four pillars, COMMUNITY EQUALITY, ECOLOGICAL PLAN, PUBLIC EXPENDITURE. This plan has an important amount of invest into the ecological things in compare to the previous plans, that mean that Bogotá trend to be Eco sustainable. 


(Bogota, A. d. (2012). Plan de desarrollo 2012-2016 Bogota Humana. .




 20.  Racial equality


Bogota wants to be a city without discrimination, for that reason in its plan “Bogota Humana” proposed a program that not only want racial equality, but also want equality between all people. This plan will be accomplished by education, more opportunities to all socioeconomic groups, extending the coverage of public services and by promoting free expression. More groups will exercise and there will be more equality so Bogotá per capita income will grow and will dispose more money to spend.


(Bogota, A. d. (2012). Plan de desarrollo 2012-2016 Bogota Humana. .





 21. Use of birth control


Colombian women are using more and more contraception in order to control birth rates. The use of birth methods increased on women 0,6% in 2010 and in a survey developed by the ENDS 81% of women between 15 to 49 years old are using this methods. More women care about its image, for that reason they looks for exercising daily.






 22. Average level of education

Bogota wants to reduce the discrimination, for that reason implemented a plan where all kids will have scholar education. To add in Bogota is registered the following numbers of superior education, that shows that Bogotá is getting a higher level of education and are ready to be able to accept methods to solve society problems as transport and pollution.



 23. Attitudes toward retirement



A pensioner is a person who receives or lives with a pension by reason of his work done. Those persons represent a great amount of consumption and are able to move from its location to a new place where they can feel more comfortable.

Colombia is the seventh best destination for retirees from USA, that is because Colombia have a good health system and a cheap life cost. (Living, 2015) That translates that Bogotá need to make its place a healthier place to live.

(Living. (2015, 01 04). El Espectador. Retrieved 02 15, 2015, from


 24.  Attitudes toward leisure time



Bogotá in Bogotá Humana proposed a exercise of cultural and sportive freedom that foment professional practices of cultural, artistic, patrimonial, recreation, physic activity and sport sectors.

Así mismo, se fomentan las prácticas profesionales de los sectores culturales, artísticos, del patrimonio, la recreación, la actividad física y el deporte

(Plan de desarrollo 2012-2016 Bogota Humana)




 25. Pollution control

Bogota have overcome the pollution levels, for that reason want to reverse and control the contamination of the water and air by a revitalizing of the Bogotá river program and reducing CO2 levels by implementation of electric cars the construction of the metro and promoting the use of bicycles.



IDRD. (n.d.). IDRD. Retrieved 02 15, 2015, from




 26. Attitudes toward foreign people


According to the Observatorio del Instituto Distrital de Turismo Near 54% of foreign travelers in Colombia enter to Bogotá in 2011 and in comparison of the previous year Bogotá growth 19% of this visitors. (Turismo, 2011). That mean that Bogotá is the gate of entrance of Colombia, so have to increased its touristic option and improve in mobility problems.

(Turismo, O. d. (2011, 08 09). Retrieved 02 15, 2015, from



 27.  Government regulation

The Bogotá mayoralty regulates the parking sector with prices and some other points that a car parking have to have, but did not add information about bicycle parking. On the other hand there is laws which regulates the use of protection articles when a bicycle is being ride


 28. Attitudes toward product quality

Bogotá industry and institution are growing in quality qualification. Bogotá is being more competitive and the Bogotá’s people are being more and stricter about quality. The security and the quality of the products that may be used in the service must be and must look as the better quality so the maintenance and the good looking are linked.


 29. Attitudes toward customer service

Bogotá mayoralty together with Colombian government and public institutions wants to anglicize most of its procedures to improve community customer service. Bogotá people are busier and busier and think that time is money so they need agile and fast services to satisfy their needs. This is also an opportunity to give a faster service than the other transport services to satisfy in a better way the community needs.


30. Attitudes toward business


According to an article in the magazine “El tiempo”. The World Bank report an improvement in the environment for entrepreneurs in Latin America, and also said that Colombia is the country with more business facilities in the region.

Doing Business study, placed the country in the best position it has had on this classification, which analyzes the ease of doing business in 189 countries. In 2015 Colombia was ranked 34, which advanced 19 positions on the issue in 2014, when it was ranked at 53. (El tiempo, 2014)

According to that study this attitude toward business affect in a positive way the services companies in Colombia, because it will expand and create new markets, relations with other countries, more exportations, recognition in the business world,  and it will increase competition by creating and providing better services.


Taken from:


31. Lifestyles


According to an article of the library “Luis Angel Arango” the geographic diversity of our territory is accompanied today by a great cultural and regional diversity, which makes Colombians have lifestyles, traditions and different expectations, and cultural and ethnic diversity as few countries in Latin America. (Banco de la Republica)

This affect directly all services companies because people want and demand services according to what they want, believe, and all those stuff are related with their culture, environment, habits and lifestyle. That’s why is really important that companies of services take into a count all the aspects that a person care and expect when they buy a service. 


Taken from:








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32. Traffic congestion


Traffic congestion affects the quality of life of its inhabitants and becomes unproductive and inefficient economy of the region. Because of this problem, in the world have been implemented various measures that seek to control traffic flow, including the "Congestion". Indeed, congestion, auditory, visual and air pollution, and low levels in road safety are some factors that adversely affect quality of life of citizens and are mainly caused by excessive vehicles on daily pathways.

According to the magazine “La republica” in Colombia the cars mobilized 23.67 Km / h, according to figures from the study "System of Cities" of the World Bank and the National Planning Department. Traffic congestion limits the inflow of resources, reduce uptime and even affects health and the environment. (La republica, 2014)


In the survey "Bogotá Cómo Vamos" only 17% are satisfied with the road in general. 60% believe that the best alternative to improve mobility is the repair of roads and 42% believe that Metro would be the solution. This special report shows that 36% of people using public transport, while 27% prefer Transmilenio and in the last five years the number of the fleet was increased by 40%. (Bogota, como vamos, 2013)

The ministry of transportation showed the next figures about the fleet.



The table above shows the figures of public cars.

The table above shows the figures of private cars.

The table above shows the figures of national fleet.

The next graphic taken from the report of the survey “Bogota como vamos” show the increase

(Bogota, como vamos, 2012) of the fleet.

According to the same survey said in the city roll 165.061 new vehicles and 59.781 motorcycles. The city has 16,095 kilometers on roads. Regarding the state of the road network of the city, 37% good, 43% bad and 19% regularly. (Bogota, como vamos, 2013)

One figure relevant is that the bicycle is the means of transport with less
average travel time of 25 minutes, then 25 minutes taxi, motorcycle 30 minutes, with 33 private car, 47 minutes Transmilenio public transport 56 minutes. (Bogota, como vamos, 2013)


The analysis of BBVA Research realizes that Colombia will increase its fleet of 3.5 million vehicles between 2010 and 2020. (Magazyne Dinero, 2013)


District secretariat of the environment present the next graphics that show the number of cars, motorcycles and public cars (Taxi) in Bogota.

This factor is one of the most representative in companies of services of transport in Colombia, specially for those that work in trasportation. As the figures show the increase in fleed is very high and roads are not in the best way. Those are the principles two causes of traffic congestion in Bogota. This situtation could be an advantage for companies that work with friendly means of transport with the environment. People are tired of traffic congestion and they are looking for new means of transport more effective.






33. Trust in government and attitudes toward government


The university “Torcatuo De Tella” measure the trust in government in Latin America usin the ICG that is the index that measure changes in public opinion on the work done by the national government. Is designed in such a way to capture what citizens think about the national government, from the estimate of five dimensions:  the image or general government assessment, the perception of whether governs thinking of the general good or private sectors, efficiency in public expenditure management, the honesty of the members of the government, and the ability of government to solve the country's problems.  They present the next graphic.






Director of ASEP/ JDS (Data base) present the next graphic in which it show the trust in government in each country of South America. Figures are from más sobre ti.


Trust in government can be very subjective. In Colombia often depends on the political party and therefore the person in charge. That is why the data may change significantly, depending on which person is in the mandate.

The magazine “Semana” published an article with the results of the survey “La gran encuesta Colombia opina” by the Ipsos signature for Alliance Media News RCN, RCN Radio, FM and WEEK. The opinion of 1,009 citizens were consulted. The results said, President Juan Manuel Santos has an unfavorable image of 56%. Bogota Mayor Gustavo Petro has an unfavorable image of 60%. Only 28% have a favorable image of the mayor of Bogotá.

77% of respondents do not trust the Colombian justice system, 73% distrusts the high courts. 75% expressed no confidence in the Congress, and 66% said they had an unfavorable image of the legislature. While 68% distrusts the National Government.


This factor can affect directly all services companies that are from the governmen. If people  don’t trust them they are not going to trust public companies, so they are not going to succeed. But if they trust a lot the companie will grow and it will be representative for the society.  In this case the trust in Colombia`s government is very low, that’s why many projects don’t succeed, people are not feeling confortable, safe and protected by the government.



34. Attitudes toward work


The Capital District created 76,000 new jobs, representing an increase of 1.9%


The city has maintained the downward trend 9.9 in 2011, 9.5 in 2012, 8.6 in 2013 and in 2014 decreased 0.2 percent according to figures from the National Administrative Department of Statistics (Dane)


The attitude toward work has improved since the unemployment figures have dropped. 









35. Buying habits


Habits of Colombian consumers have had a very strong change in the last 15 years in technology topics.


Congestion in big cities and improvement in the standard of living of Colombians have caused consumers to eat more out of their house which has led to the arrival of important multinational brands in the country. When people dinner, lunch and breakfast outside, they don’t do the same market size for the house, so the big supermarkets have been affected.


The sale of personal products has lost relevance this used to represent the 7.6% in supermarket sales nowadays represent just the 6.7% this is because the advancement of catalog sales.


According to Fenalco the increase in transport costs has been remarkable: increased vehicle ownership and maintenance entails a number of expenses that are reflected in the structure of the basket. Stand telephony costs, as well as subscription television services and computing in the field of communications. Also rising input tax and financial expenses in the basket.

In recent years, the trend of online shopping has increased and has become one of the pillars fastest growing economy in countries from Latin America.

This is one of the most relevant factor in service companies. Consumers are changing as well as their needs and likes. Companies need to be conciuos about it in order to offer better services that satisfy their expectations. Because of this they need to be update and have very good marketting programs in order to get to know their clients and be succedd.


36. Ethical concern


According to the Corruption Perceptions Index 2013 released by Transparency International, the public sector in Colombia is still perceived as corrupt by businessmen and international experts. The country maintains the rating of 36 out of 100 making it ranks 94 among 177 countries. (IPC, 2013)


Corruption has been one of the most ethic concern to Colombian society. Figures present above show and throughout the years has been a repetitive and constant phenomenon. This undoubtedly has very high and significant repercussions on Colombian service companies  because it does not allow an open and legal competence affecting the ability to conduct business.



37. Attitutes toward saving


According to data published in the report including Asobancaria the first quarter of 2012, savings of Colombians banks totaling $ 98.1 billion. Accordingly, and given that the guild estimates that there are 18.8 million people with savings accounts, we can say that Colombians have saved an average of $ 5.2 million.


The company “Yanhaas” conducted a study to determine the number of people who save in Colombia. According to this study the citizens are most do. However only 40% of people are currently saving.


34% consider that option more attractive for investment money is invested in a business, 17% say they save at home, 14% leave it in a savings account, 10% buy shares, 9% create funds family, 8% invest in CDT, 5% invest in bonds and 1% buy currencies. 14% said that none of the options given seems good.


Persons saving money is a very important factor to service companies in Colombia because this gives consumption capacity for people to acquire the services frequently.


38.Sex roles


The next graphics were taken from the press release of DANE’S institution and it show the differentiation of some indexes in different aspects of men and womens in the society.



Illiteracy in the age range 15-24 is higher in men.


In rural areas the educational level is higher in men as in urban areas.

The level of unemployment in rural and urban areas is higher in women.

Men work more than women

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Men earn more money than women.


The role of gender is still very strong in society, in most aspects evaluated man is in a higher level than women. This affects service companies as there may be discrimination against women and this would force to hire only men subtracting possibility to hire women that can have a very good performance.

39. Recycling

The First National Recycling Congress, organized by the ANDI, I report that in Colombia 47% of the consumption of paper and cardboard is recycled, while in the United States about 60% is collected, and 70% in Spain.


For the industry it’s an opportunity to demonstrate a commitment to sustainable development and, in particular, waste management and care of the environment. Thereby, companies in the sector can be known as socially responsible companies.


40. Number of woman

The National Administrative Department of Statistics Dane revealed that in Colombia are currently 23 million 312 thousand 832 women (50.63 percent) of the Colombian population.

Dane revealed the figure on World Women's Day. 43.7 percent of the female population of the country is employed.

Life expectancy at birth of Colombian women is 78.5 years, people are more concerned about the healthy habits and the simplicity of the things concerned the traffic conditions physical condition are women. For industry it is important to know the large percentage of women in the Colombian population. 

41. Changes in tastes and preferences 


The consumer values ​​highly the submission of bids, although it feels influenced by the advice of a friend / friend (word of mouth) and even the desire to try something new. In all advertising plays an important role.


In this new century consumers are better informed and have more protections and more aware of their rights, allowing you to choose quality and ensure safety. The tendency is to spend more money on phone, new technology, travel and leisure. All services involving time savers are likely to succeed. Spending rationally either saving time or money is the current lifestyle of our society.

As for the factors most valued consumer emphasizes the importance it attaches to the cleaning and care of commercial establishments, the quality of products or personalized stores. Consumers are becoming increasingly critical attitude and highly value the limited time available to them and are more aware of what they buy. Looking for a good value.

Today's consumers are more reflective, more experts and their level of education and higher education, leading them to adopt more rational behavior in consumption and demand a clear and complete information of the products that will be consumed.


According to the study conducted by International Food trends Ipsos Napoleon Franco, 59% of Colombians claims to have recently made changes to their diet to make it healthier. When asked what were these changes, claim to be using less flour, more vegetables and less fat in most cases, and to a lesser extent, claim to be eating more fruit and less sugar and sweets.

It is a fact that healthy trend is here to stay and that Colombians, despite not become overweight, are becoming increasingly concerned about eating well, for two-thirds of respondents say that most meals (64% ) and beverages (61%) who do are healthy and those that are not usually refreshments, where 40% are healthy and the rest of the so-called "junk" food.

Today, consumer tastes and preferences change easily so I t is a threat not to satisfy these tastes and preferences in the services the industry offers. 

42.Average level of education

It is a big opportunity to offer a great professional growth in the industry, that means developing firms that offers opportunities to growth. 

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